
picI’m Lalith Suresh, a computer engineer by trade. This website hosts pointers to projects I’ve worked on as well as a collection of articles I’ve authored over the years that are both technical and non-technical, and often downright silly.

I’m currently a PhD student at Technische Universität Berlin, where I’m happy to be advised by Prof. Anja Feldmann and Prof. Marco Canini. Prior to this, I obtained a Masters degree in distributed computing across KTH, Stockholm and IST, Lisbon in June 2012, and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from NIT-Jaipur in 2010.

My broad area of interest is distributed computing: theory and practice. I’m presently looking at questions revolving around the reliability of distributed systems deployed within data-center environments. Besides my research, I’m also an active open-source developer.

I maintain a broad spectrum of interests besides technology. I’m an avid music lover, with a deep fascination for the post-rock genre. I’m very passionate about anime/manga, and am always looking for enough time to pick up a new series. Gaming is something I tend to take rather seriously as well, my favourite genres being FPS and strategy. Maintenance shutdowns for my brain are usually accomplished through travelling, and my experiences then documented through photography. I also take shots at drawing comics.

I can be reached preferably via email at: suresh dot lalith at gmail.

As far as online profiles go, you can find me on Quora and LinkedIn.